
Conduite défensive et conduite 4X4

Global Training Center

Tél. :0021629014101 / 0021675862519
E-mail :

Formateur : M. aloui rafik
Thèmes : Transport
Date de début :
Durée : 2 Jours
Nombre de places : 6
Prix DT : 200TTC
Déscription :
For a maximum of 10 persons.
Any person involved in road transports: Management (Managers, Heads of Department, etc.)/Site HSE Managers (RSESs)/Intermediate management/ Operations personnel/Design Department/HSE engineers/Production- maintenance-safety superintendents/Site management personnel/HSE- production-intervention supervisor/Foreman. Person using his own vehicle for mission or during trips to work place, long contract staff.


Defensive Driving, (Theory), 3 years valid driving licence B verified on site.
- To respond to the urgency of the driving situations.
- To efficiently develop the principles of driving in the desert.
- To carry out the appropriate checks before driving in the desert.
- To understand the vehicle's mechanisms in a desert environment.

Lieu de la formation:
rue Taieb ghuryriani tataouine tunisie
Tataouine - Tunisie

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Formation professionnelle en Tunisie Formation Professionnelle Sans Bac et Avec Bac. Liste des centres de formation professionnelle privée et étatique en Tunisie :

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