Université privée en tunisie
Année de création : 2015
Présentation :
APBS is recognized locally and internationally for the competence of its graduates and the quality of its teaching and research. Students are prepared for professional careers in business through a stimulating learning environment that enhances learning and innovation. It achieves this by: Offering a stimulating bilingual learning experience, Enhancing an information technology pioneer culture, Designing and offering innovative and learning centered programs that balance theory with practice, Carrying out and disseminating innovative and impactful research relevant to its students and the business community, Developing deep linkages with the community and providing responsible leadership to the communities where our students, alumni, staff and professors live and work, Participating in the socio-economic development of Tunisia by developing and sustaining partnerships with various stakeholders.
Formation professionnelle en Tunisie Formation Professionnelle Sans Bac et Avec Bac. Liste des centres de formation professionnelle privée et étatique en Tunisie :
Tunisie-Formation.com est un moteur de recherche et un annuaire dédié à la formation initiale, formation professionnelle et continue en Tunisie. C'est un outil de recherche riche, simple et efficace mis à la disposition des entreprises, des salariés et des étudiants à la recherche de formations et de perfectionnement.
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Formation Tunisie Tunisie Formation Blog Universités Tunisie centres de formation professionnelle de Tunisie Orientation Inscription universitaire 2024 Bac Tunisie 2024